Anyways, I recently found a bunch of 1990 K-Mart Super Stars cards. For some odd reason, I love when baseball cards are technically made by a company (in this case Topps), but branded by someone else (K-Mart). Hell, 2 years ago I bought 40 Duracell battery cards from a shop in Canton...until the owner wanted $30. I offered $5, which even then was pretty generous.
The set itself has 33 cards. I currently have found 11 and am going to search for the remaining 22. It's a free and easy way to collect a set and not having a lot of money, I like it.
Now onto the cards:

Tony Gwynn. I loved these San Diego uniforms. Miss u Tony :(

Doc Gooden. I'd write something here but I'm high as hell on coke.

Glenn Davis. A DH/ the National League? He never played in the American League at this point in his career, so I don't get the DH bit. Either way, nice mustache.

Jose Canseco. Bash Brother. Excellent Mullet. The most honest man in baseball. This one's for you Mario.
Craig Biggio, the catcher. Also about to strike out in this photo.

Ryne Sandberg. I loved watching Ryno play. The best memories of my childhood were spent watching day games on WGN with Harry broadcasting. I miss 1990.

Don Mattingly. For some real odd reason, I was a big fan of Mattingly also. Had a huge bat coin bank of him in my room. Even though I knew who he was and what team he played for, I still got him confused with Wade Boggs all the time.

Tony LaRussa and Roger Craig. I know nothing of Roger except that he looks like a very nice man. Tony is Satan. I'm convinced. I will gladly explain to you why and how I have come to my conclusions. (Please don't sue me for slander/libel Tony)

Howard Johnson. Your hotels suck, dogg. For a second I thought David Wright was hitting in this photo what with that big goofy ass helmet.

Jay Howell. Back of card reads "Jay pitched scoreless inning in 1989 All Star Game". Great Job! Any relation to J. P. Howell?

DAN F'N PLESAC. Yes, I saved the best for last. I felt like a little kid when I found this card. Card of the year material right here. Dan should be in the Hall of Fame.
Final note, I don't know if it's telling or not in the photos, but these cards are beyond bent to hell, which makes them that much more awesome. It adds way more character to the cards.